A traditional hot madras curry sauce cooked from scratch in under 30 minutes. A fantastic combination of fragrant spices, green chillies and marinated grilled chicken tikka breast
A very satisfying hot sweet and sour Indian curry made from meat, lentils, chilli and sugar. This recipe requires Base Gravy and Pre-Cooked Lentil Dhal, Make some first or use...
Made from scratch this 30 minute Lamb Rogan Josh is a beautiful combination of aromatic classic Indian spices and rich bold flavours. Tender lamb cooked in onions and a tomato-based...
These naans, identical to your local restaurant or takeaway are soft and fluffy and filled with the most amazing spiced minced lamb filling Make the naan dough using my recipe...
The tamarind in this Balti recipe gives this dish a fantastic sweet and sour flavour. If using roasted sesame seeds add them to the marinade instead of frying with the...
This Angara chicken dish will definitely blow your mind. A hot spicy curry with a fantastic smokey flavour infused using the ancient Dhungar method. This Chicken Angara is definitely a...
Insanity? Probably, but if you like your curries full of flavour yet spiced to the max then this is the curry for you. An initial sweet touch hides the hidden...
Tender pieces of chicken tikka cooked in a spicy lemon and chilli masala sauce. You’re not going to want to miss out on this fantastic lemon chilli chicken Yoghurt free...
A traditional hot curry sauce cooked with spices, green chillies and boneless chicken tikka breast cubes marinated and cooked in the tandoor, bbq or grill
A traditional hot curry sauce cooked with spices, green chillies and boneless chicken tikka breast cubes marinated and cooked in the tandoor, bbq or grill I’m using East at home...
This Angara chicken dish will definitely blow your mind. A hot spicy curry with a fantastic smokey flavour infused using the ancient Dhungar method. This Chicken Angara is definitely a dish...
Naga Tharkari, a fantastic combination of chicken tikka cooked with chopped or minced meat, fresh garlic and hot chilli paste Tikka: yoghurt-free-tikka-marinade-chicken-tikka-lamb-tikka
Naga Tharkari, a fantastic combination of chicken tikka cooked with minced meat, fresh garlic and hot chilli paste Base Recipe: easy-indian-base-gravy-updated-recipe Tikka: yoghurt-free-tikka-marinade-chicken-tikka-lamb-tikka
Tender pieces of chicken tikka cooked in a spicy lemon and chilli masala sauce. You’re not going to want to miss out on this fantastic lemon chilli chicken
Tender marinated chicken, seared in mustard oil then gently simmered in spices butter and cream This is a rich, warming butter chicken, if you’re looking for the sweet, creamy ones...
Insanity? Probably, but if you like your curries full of flavour yet spiced to the max then this is the curry for you. An initial sweet touch hides the hidden...
Dopiaza, roughly translated as “two onions” is a perfect blend of gently caramelised and chunky charred onions in a medium heat sauce suitable for most taste buds Pictures courtesy of...
Ever wondered how to recreate your favourite Indian restaurant or takeaway Rogan Josh in your ninja speedi. This guide will show you how to get exactly the same fantastic results...
Ever wondered how to recreate your favourite Indian restaurant or takeaway bhuna in your ninja speedi. This guide will show you how to get exactly the same fantastic results from...
Pieces of chicken, meat, paneer or veg cooked in chopped onions, garlic, ginger, peppers, tomatoes, green chillies and spices to create a thick, spicy sauce
Pieces of chicken, meat, paneer or veg cooked in chopped onions, garlic, ginger, peppers, tomatoes, green chillies and spices to create a thick, spicy sauce
Bhuna refers to the style in which this curry is cooked. The dish is usually prepared by frying spices at a high temperature. The meat is then added and simmered...
Bhuna refers to the style in which this curry is cooked. The dish is usually prepared by frying spices at a high temperature. The meat is then added and simmered...
Pathia, a hot, sweet and sour dish with use of chillies and tamarind. It is based on a blend of tamarind and lemon/lime with sugar to help the balance and...
Paneer is a fresh cheese common in India. It is an unaged, non-melting soft cheese made by curdling milk with an acid, such as lemon juice. Its acid-set form, before...