Will this change the way you spice up your pre-cooked chicken forever? This spicy Naga, succulently moist, pre-cooked chicken is perfect made in a air fryer, BBQ, grill or and...
A delicious blend of spices, tomatoes, chillies, garlic, onions and peppers. A medium dry curry, uniquely served in the same pressed metal “Balti bowl” used to cook the dish and...
Naga Tharkari, a fantastic combination of chicken tikka cooked with chopped or minced meat, fresh garlic and hot chilli paste Tikka: yoghurt-free-tikka-marinade-chicken-tikka-lamb-tikka
A delicious blend of spices, tomatoes, chillies, garlic, onions and peppers. A medium dry curry, uniquely served in the same pressed metal “Balti bowl” used to cook the dish and...
Naga Tharkari, a fantastic combination of chicken tikka cooked with minced meat, fresh garlic and hot chilli paste Base Recipe: easy-indian-base-gravy-updated-recipe Tikka: yoghurt-free-tikka-marinade-chicken-tikka-lamb-tikka
A Jalfrezi, Madras and Dhansak flavour combination dish cooked with in a spicy sauce consisting of green peppers, onions, garlic, spices and coriander to create and tantalising curry. A semi...
Completely from scratch and yoghurt free this Tikka Paneer tastes exactly the same as my local takeaways This recipe makes enough for up to 500g of paneer which you want...
Completely from scratch and yoghurt free this Tikka Masala Marinade tastes exactly the same as my local takeaways The Tikka Paste recipe makes enough paste for up to 750g of...
Think of a Jalfrezi, Madras and Dhansak flavour combination dish cooked with in a spicy sauce consisting of green peppers, onions, garlic, spices and coriander to create and tantalising curry....
Ever wondered how to recreate your favourite Indian restaurant or takeaway Chicken Tikka in your ninja speedi. This guide will show you how to get exactly the same fantastic results...
Ever wondered how to recreate your favourite Indian Restaurant or takeaway Tikka Masala in your Ninja Speedi. This guide will show you how to get exactly the same fantastic results...
Ever wondered how to recreate your favourite Indian restaurant or takeaway Balti in your ninja speedi. This guide will show you how to get exactly the same fantastic results from...
Ever wondered how to recreate your favourite Indian Restaurant or takeaway Jalfrezi in your Ninja Speedi. This guide will show you how to get exactly the same fantastic results from...
Made without base gravy this is a hot sweet dish with a fantastic kick. This dish uses fresh mango, chillies and onions for their superb taste and texture
Pieces of chicken, meat, paneer or veg cooked in chopped onions, garlic, ginger, peppers, tomatoes, green chillies and spices to create a thick, spicy sauce
Pieces of chicken, meat, paneer or veg cooked in chopped onions, garlic, ginger, peppers, tomatoes, green chillies and spices to create a thick, spicy sauce
Making chicken tikka is easy. Just cut up the chicken, coat with the spice and yoghurt mix then refrigerate for a few hours (ideally 24) before grilling. The same Tikka...