Will this change the way you spice up your pre-cooked chicken forever? This spicy Naga, succulently moist, pre-cooked chicken is perfect made in a air fryer, BBQ, grill or and...
These naans, identical to your local restaurant or takeaway are soft and fluffy and filled with the most amazing spiced minced lamb filling Make the naan dough using my recipe...
A Jalfrezi, Madras and Dhansak flavour combination dish cooked with in a spicy sauce consisting of green peppers, onions, garlic, spices and coriander to create and tantalising curry. A semi...
Completely from scratch and yoghurt free this Tikka Paneer tastes exactly the same as my local takeaways This recipe makes enough for up to 500g of paneer which you want...
This sweet and sour pakora dip is the perfect accompaniment for pakoras, poppadoms and anything else you fancy trying. For the deep red colour I use either of these powders:...
Completely from scratch and yoghurt free this Tikka Masala Marinade tastes exactly the same as my local takeaways The Tikka Paste recipe makes enough paste for up to 750g of...
Think of a Jalfrezi, Madras and Dhansak flavour combination dish cooked with in a spicy sauce consisting of green peppers, onions, garlic, spices and coriander to create and tantalising curry....
Ever wondered how to recreate your favourite Indian restaurant or takeaway Chicken Tikka in your ninja speedi. This guide will show you how to get exactly the same fantastic results...
Tikka Masala that tastes exactly the same as my takeaway and BIR (British Indian Restaurant) versions but without any hard to find Pataks pastes The Tikka Paste is used for...
Completely from scratch Tikka Masala that tastes exactly the same as my takeaway and BIR (British Indian Restaurant) versions but without any hard to find Pataks pastes or base gravy...
Tikka Masala that tastes exactly the same as my takeaway and BIR (British Indian Restaurant) versions but without any hard to find Pataks pastes The Tikka Paste is used for...
Perfectly spiced patties made with ground lamb. Cook under the grill, in the oven, on then BBQ or in a traditional tandoor. However you cook these they go perfectly with...
Made using Indian spices and yogurt, this colour free Tikka recipe is both tasty and easy to make. Use it to marinate meat such as chicken tikka and as the...
Made using Indian spices and yogurt, this traditional bright red Tikka recipe is both tasty and easy to make. Use it to marinate meat such as chicken tikka and as...
This fantastic zingy dip is perfect for dipping papadums, bhaji and pakoras or pouring over warm naans filled with chicken tikka and the best thing is it takes less than...
Making chicken tikka is easy. Just cut up the chicken, coat with the spice and yoghurt mix then refrigerate for a few hours (ideally 24) before grilling. The same Tikka...
This Tikka paste is a great time saver when making curries like Tikka Masala or marinating meat such as Chicken Tikka or Lamb Tikka. A newer version of this page...
A mild dish similar to Korma and Tikka Masala. This dish is traditionally served very red but this is for appearance only. you can omit the colouring completely or substitute...
A mild dish similar to Korma and Tikka Masala. This dish is traditionally served very red but this is for appearance only. you can omit the colouring completely or substitute...